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Nocturnal: AW24

Nocturnal: AW24

Nocturnal: AW24

Nocturnal: AW24

A love letter to the girl who dreams by day and is inspired by night; the girl who longs to be part of the bustling city and its eclectic luminescence...

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Preface: ‘Blue-sky’ thinking is conceptualising without the constraints of reality. A realm where anything is possible and the seeds for innovation are planted. Blue skies are symbolic. They signa...

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Behind the scenes: Lady & The Pack
behind the scenes

Behind the scenes: Lady & The Pack

This season I was intent on celebrating the art of what we do. After all, we don’t just design beautiful shoes. We embody confidence and self-expression, rouse inspiration, create support both lit...

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The psychology of colour

The psychology of colour

Across history, colour has been used as a way to signal status, emotion, or personality. Different cultures use colours in different ways; one of the more famous examples of this would have to be w...

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My Accidental Home: Christchurch

My Accidental Home: Christchurch

As we celebrate our one year anniversary at The Crossing in Christchurch City, Elizabeth, one of our lovely team members discusses her love for the City and how she accidentally came to call it hom...

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A Father's Day Special: Chocolate Beer Cake

A Father's Day Special: Chocolate Beer Cake

It is Father’s Day this Sunday and what better way to celebrate your dad than treat him to a dessert that combines the indulgence of chocolate and beer? Although it may sound like an unlikely combi...

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Kitchen Adventures: Salted caramel tart with edible gold leaf

Kitchen Adventures: Salted caramel tart with edible gold leaf

We can’t blame the novelty of it, how can someone resist indulging in a dessert that combines the rich goodness of chocolate and the luxurious feel of gold? We certainly can’t! That’s why we are go...

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How to care for your NR Jewellery

How to care for your NR Jewellery

Every piece in the NR jewellery range has been thoughtfully designed to accompany you as faithful staples through your ever-changing fashion style. We are here to share the appropriate steps that s...

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This blog continues to showcase our new mulberry silk scarves in detail and how they can transform multiple aspects of your fashion styling. Welcome to the new era of Nicole Rebstock.

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NR SILK scarf styling, volume 1

NR SILK scarf styling, volume 1

This blog showcases our new mulberry silk scarves in detail and how they can transform multiple aspects of your fashion styling. Welcome to the new era of Nicole Rebstock.

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